Overview of Motorcycle Electrical Systems
Bob LaRosaDescription
Here are the topics for this class:
Simplifying Electricity
Matter & Atoms
Know The Flow & Magnetism
Voltage & Amperage
Resistance & Conductors
Ohm’s Law
Watt’s Law
Tools & Instruments
Starter / Sprag Clutch Replacement
Evolution of Batteries
Proper Soldering Techniques
Charging System Diagnosis
Tip on Testing the Starter
Coils, Plugs & Wires
Hello everyone. And welcome to Fix My Hog electricity. I'm Bob LaRosa and with me as usual is Mark. What we have here is a plethora of motorcycles each with their own generation of electronics and wiring. As you can see on the 2007 FL, there are radios, there are satellite reception antennas, there are automatic garage door opener modules.
You can see the harnesses have become quite large and you need to use your manual anytime you're doing any testing or troubleshooting, whether it's on an 07 or on a 1974 FL. The wiring harness, the ignition system and the entire harness is greatly reduced in size and number of wires compared to the newer generations of motorcycles. Reason for this, this motorcycle doesn't have the accessories that are available on the newer motorcycles. This particular motorcycle had what we would consider a catastrophic electrical harness failure. What that means is that the main power wire that leads directly from the battery and what should have been a main circuit breaker, which provides circuit protection, someone eliminated the breaker and just put the wire directly to the battery.
So when you wound up with a dead short or a grounded circuit, it just fused the wire from the power source, the battery, directly to the ignition switch. During the duration of this film, I'm gonna have Mark rewire what is damaged, troubleshoot what's not damaged to make sure ohms resistance isn't too high and try to get this harness back in condition, get this motorcycle ready for the street. .
I just signed up and have a question. I have a '95 Harley Ultra Classic 30th Anniv. Edition. Sometimes it starts and sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't start - the electronic fuel pump can not be heard priming the system. I usually keep turning the ignition switch off and on repeatedly and eventually it starts. The Harley shop can't find the problem. It always works when they get it - of course. I am worried about taking any long rides with my wife due ti this problem. Can you help me, Please?