Touring Maintenance Walk-Through
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M8 and Twin Cam Owners Here’s A Quick Video On How To Maintain Your Touring Model with Fix My Hog
Thank you for being a member of Fix My Hog. I’m sure you want to jump right in and get to wrenching on your Harley-Davidson. I put this walk-through together so you can get a feel for how we laid out the site and some tips for you to get the most out of your membership.
This is a walk-through for basic maintenance on your Harley-Davidson Touring / Trike models and the videos we have produced over the years to help you do it. Your service manual will have any differences in specs for the Twin Cam 88,96,103,110 and Evo.
We have the Harley Milwaukee-Eight videos in a separate category here.
Make sure you are logged into your account so you can follow along and see the videos I reference in their entirety. You should be able to have two browser tabs open – maybe play this video in one and click through to videos I talk about in the other.
We will have similar walk-through videos for each video category.
Let us know how it goes.
Wrench Safe,
Dennis Santopietro
Referenced Video Links:
Watch Tools and Products then branch off to Twin Cam 103 or early Twin Cam
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Hello, and welcome to Fix My Hog. My name's Dennis Santopietro, and I'll be your tour guide today. And just wanted to make this little video to help folks that already know touring bikes or baggers find what they need in the maintenance section. And you know, Bob Mark and I started Fix My Hog in 2004 to help people do their own maintenance and upgrades and to not make it any more difficult to do so, you know but over the years we've added so many videos that sometimes it needs a little bit of a tour guide to show you what you're getting into. So we're already logged in or I'm already logged into my account.
Welcome back, Dennis, the main screen of that. If you want it to go to my account, but you know you're logged in when it says, you know, when you see log out here, that means you've already logged in. If you weren't logged in, you lie in here. Some of these advertising I'm trying to get rid of them. They can be deceptive.
This is an ad. So I wanna get rid of these. So it doesn't screw people up. But anyways, if you logged in you would see cart, my account, log out and then you'd see a welcome Dennis as your feature. But you probably got into Fix My Hog to do maintenance in regards to your touring motorcycle, which is now the baggers.
Of course you can put baggers on anything but we're going to stick with the definition of Harley's touring bikes with Ultras, Electras, Road Kings, et cetera, Street Glides. And you know, you came here and you said, you know I wanna do my own maintenance. I wanna do my own grid and my factory service manual. And really that's how we all came about here at Fix My Hog. So maintenance videos, touring, and you know, the touring and the trike is obviously very similar.
The backend of the trike is different and we review all those differences in the trike section and the touring we'll click on that. And there's a description here of what we're getting into. Basically we show Evo in the latter pages of this section, and the main focus is on Twin Cams from 99 through the 103, we will be doing the MA the new Milwaukee 8 video, as soon as people are coming off their warranties and wanting to do their own maintenance and work on their Milwaukee 8 bikes. But the main thing is here. You're on touring maintenance and you own let's say a Twin Cam of any type.
My suggestion is obviously you have your factory service manual and you bought the membership. You're interested in this category, go through each one of these, you know, really this is the 103 And obviously it has the wet heads and there is some differences, but with the Twin Cam platform over time, a lot of the drain plug locations have stayed the same. A lot of the procedures of the city stayed the same, granted, you know, the specs have changed for torques and fluids, but I recommend even if you have an an 88 Twin Cam maybe to go through each one of these and go through what we did instead of following the grid in the manual. So you have your manual, we do recommend that as Bob and Mark have been doing this for 20, 30 years and they said, let's film these videos and how we do it in working order. So really, you know, that's how they start going through a major service on a motorcycle like they go through the battery charging system, they drain the fluids and they add the fluids.
They service the air filter and this bike is liquid cooled, so they check the fluid levels here. So it's really, step-by-step going through the process of all your service manual items. If you want it to look at your grid and just pick something off the grid that you want to look at, then the videos are here. You know, some of the titles I had to make them search engine friendly. So the people on the web will be able to find certain things but a lot of them really do tell exactly what they are.
So you'll go through and you'll do your service per all these videos step by step by step. You know, so these are all the, a lot of 103 but Twin Cam in general, different for fluids and cartridges on how you have to deal with that and dealing with Brembo calipers, and abs brakes. And one thing, you know you'll notice at the bottom of page, what is today? Three, some people look a little younger and more hair on their heads. So some of these are the 96 the differences with the ninth, the Twin Cam 96, you know when they introduced the Brembo calipers in the new frame.
And then as you continue to go along, and this is this tools and products is on that first Rushmore video as well. You know, definitely a video you want to make sure you have all the tools and everything you need to, to work on your motorcycle. So it's a good video to give you an overview of the specialty tools that you'll need. And then here is really the Twin Cam 88 and going through the same process, but you'll notice, you know certain motorcycles way back when you had to do primary gene adjustment, we had to do clutch adjustment. So those videos are here for folks like me that don't have the newest, latest, and greatest Harley that we still have to do some extra adjustments.
So, you know, my suggestion is to watch as many video as you can and enjoy it. You know, you bought the membership. You want to get into wrenching as if you haven't noticed if you haven't watched a lot of videos yet. Bob is very detailed in his explanations. So he might tell us something here in this video a little more in detail then in a different video on a similar subject.
So that's why I say, I mean, the guy is just always dropping you know, 30 years worth of knowledge I was trying to get it all out. And the other things these aren't scripted. You know, we try, we're like, Oh what if we wrote a script and you could follow that. And he's like, I can't I just have to tell everybody what I do and how I do it every day. So here's all the videos and, you know, all the way through and you'll notice, you know, I also still have an Evo.
You know, we do have some overviews of the Evo engine and then how to change the fluid down at differently the fairing differences, the brake pads and caliper differences. So that's here as well. There's an overview of specialty tools, which is linked on that first video that I showed you with the tools. You know so as you can see, there's, you know, there's a hundred plus videos right here just in regards to maintenance. So I want you to be familiar.
I don't want you to get lost or concerned that, Hey, I ride a 2007 X and my bike's not up on the rack. Well, you know the frame is the same. The engine's the same the drain plug locations are the same in most situations. So that's why we always say, Hey have your factory service manager for a year a year and model, and then watch the videos. And the guys just described so much information on every procedure that they do.
So that'll get you up and running with your maintenance. You know, and here we're looking at you know, 10,000, 15,000, you know, you're 1005, 10, 15, 25 as you get into beyond basic maintenance, those are here, and those are more in-depth videos on wheel bearing replacement. Maybe those start to go at like 30,000 when you start to feel it. You might not get your interfering for any reason, but those are here. So, you know, start a collect replacement.
So some more in depth details and maintenance that are past basic are in the Beyond Basic Maintenance. So those are your higher service items. So I wanted to give you a quick overview of all those. I'll do a separate video on the performance and all these other videos and also check out everyday Hog How-To, there's a lot of great tips in there. So, you know, follow along watch the videos, enjoy them, you know, soak up as much as you can refer to your manual, make some notes and then you'll have a reference point of, Hey this is what I need for my motorcycle, and this is where I can find them.
So that's the top of the trees, you know I can go on and on, but there's, you know there's a video index, you know when you open your manual, you'll see, Oh, wow. That's how the manual describes everything. So we tried to go through and put a video in for everything the manuals speaks of. And if you're more A to Z, you know, that's here too but really only for maintenance. If you follow all these videos, I tried to put them all together step-by-step-by-step so if you want Watchman in line you'll be able to go through and do all the service items.
Of course, there's Harley tips that really cover everything that's brought up. We have thousands and thousands of questions and answers from writers like you and me that are answered by Bob and Mark that ended up here. And there's a lot of great information. And then of course, these have links back to videos that help you solve those problem, articles and all that. But that's the gist of it.
And then if you want more information on how to use this website on the Harley tips. This video will always be first. You can click on that and watch me babble and walk through the whole process again. But I want to put this together for you. Hopefully that helps.
If not, you gotta let us know and I'll make something for you. I really well it's been customer feedback and member feedback that's helped us continue from 2004 to through today. So there's an about us gives you a little bit information about how we all started but also the contact us page is here. If you know we're not being lazy and we've gone through the site and we really gone through all the tips and everything and we say, you know what? These guys just are missing this, you know could it help out?
Yes, let us know Barbara Mark we'll get back to you. It might not be immediate or customer service my reference or an answer that's already been done. You'll see our reply so that's here. So enjoy the videos. And you know, when you're done, you can, log out.
But you know, every time, every week we're trying to add more and more videos. So this, this video list of recent which is a list of all videos this page number keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. So this is what prompting me to do more of these types of videos to help people find what they need. So that's a little tour on maintenance touring. It also includes the track and how to find what you need to get to yourself wrenching and doing some service on your motorcycle.
Until next time, wrench safe. And I will, I'll talk to you soon.
I just signed up as a Premier member but cannot watch this video why
I liked the "Touring Maintenance Walk-Through". I own a 1997 ElectroGlide Classic. Because of my age this is the last bike I plan on purchasing. I am interested in doing as many simple mechanical maintenance functions as I can. I was going to purchase fixingmyhog but did not like the payment method. I want to pay by check not an account withdrawal.
What about the new Milwaukee 8's? I don't see any repair/maintenance videos for these. I assume it would be similar to the 103, but are you planning on putting out any specific to the M8? Thanks.