Three Part Harley Horsepower Upgrade Wrap-Up
Bob LaRosaDescription
We wrapped up our three part Harley horsepower upgrade project during a summer rainstorm; so you will have to excuse our audio on this short clip. We figured; what better, to drown out the sound of rain, than hearing this motorcycle fire up with it’s new Cobra exhaust system!
With the air cleaner assembly, Fi2000 fuel management system, and complete exhaust system installed, Bob finishes the job by installing the motorcycle’s negative cable, along with the ground wire from the Fi2000 system. The Fi2000 can be secured with velcro, or double stick tape, onto the top of the motorcycle’s ECM.
As usual, before attempting to start and ride; always double check all of your work. Check everything you put a wrench on. Take nothing for granted.
These Harley horsepower upgrades not only look great but they sound and feel great. We are excited to wrap up this job and try it out on the road.
We've correctly installed all three of the performance upgrades from Cobra, the air intake and air cleaner system, the complete exhaust system with the power port crossover and the fuel management system last in line. I need to reattach the negative cable to the battery and make sure that I attach the negative ground wire from the power Pro F I to the negative cable on the battery with the negative attached to the battery and the ground wire from the fuel control module attached to the battery negative side, I can reinstall the ECM into the mounting bracket. I'm just gonna route the draw box so the lands and lays flush right on top of the ECM. Just gonna use a piece of Velcro attach it to the back of the control module and then just stick it right down on top of the ECM. That'll be nice and stay, it'll stay right where it's placed.
I can turn the ignition on, make sure the motorcycle is in neutral, I think, make sure the system is powered through the rocker switch. You'll see the red light on the control module illuminates and blinks. I can now start the motorcycle, the motorcycle seems to start an idle, find it takes throttle correctly. Doesn't seem to stumble at this point. All the accessories have been correctly installed.
I'm gonna reinstall the seat once the heavy rain does let up, I'll take it for a good thorough road test. I'll come back, I'll let the motorcycle cool down and just double check all the components I installed. Make sure all my heat shields are tight. Everything stayed lined up correctly on the exhaust. Obviously, the air cleaner will know we'll be in place.
I just want to make sure everything remains where it was bolted onto the motorcycle. Anytime you do a performance upgrade, always double check all your work for overall tightness after you do your initial test ride.
I had a Cobra FI2000 installed on my 2009 Ultra. What a disaster. The bike ran like crap and would not accelerate several times. Finally had to junk it and replace it with a PC-V which ran great for years until the bike was replaced.