Sportster Primary Drive and Clutch Install
Tommy CrealDescription
Please watch our 90 Minute Barnett Scorpion Clutch, step-by-step, 5-part install series before you attempt to install your own.
Click here for Part 1:
Harley-Davidson® Clutch Removal on a Sportster
Barnett clutches are always our go to for clutches on every Harley Davidson model. The Barnett clutch greatly increases clutch capacity. It provides smoother shifting but with a more aggressive clutch engagement. The Scorpion clutch assembly comes with 3 different spring sizes making clutch spring pressure adjustable.
The stock clutch hub and bearing were pressed out and replaced with the supplied Barnett clutch hub and a new Harley Davidson OE clutch hub bearing. The Sportster primary drive is reinstalled and torqued to factory specs. The fiber clutch plates are pre-soaked in oil for 10 minutes. After soaking, excess oil was wiped off with a clean, lint free cloth prior to installation. Clutch plates are installed into the clutch basket and capped with a billet pressure plate. The pressure plate is secured with six springs & allen head screws which are tightened evenly and torqued to 5 ft lbs.
A new, steel braided clutch cable is threaded into the outer primary cover. The primary chain adjuster assembly and a new shift shaft seal are also installed prior to installation of the outer Sportster primary drive cover. The outer primary cover is installed over a new James gasket and torqued to factory spec.
Watch more in-depth, Barnett Scorpion clutch installations on Fix My Hog before you install yours.
Related Videos:
Part 1 – Harley Davidson clutch removal on a Sportster
Part 2 – Sportster Clutch Spring, Pressure, Steel, and Friction Plate Removal
Part 3 – Sportster Clutch Hub Removal and Barnett Clutch Hub Install
Part 4 – Performance Clutch and Clutch Pressure Plate Install
Part 5 – Performance Clutch Cable and Primary Cover Install
Tips on Installing Seals without Damaging Them
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