Sportster Clutch Hub Removal and Barnett Clutch Hub Install
Bob LaRosaDescription
In the third installment for our five-part series on Sportster clutch upgrade, Bob LaRosa and Mark DiPietro continue to remove the stock clutch. They press out the old hub and press in the new Barnett clutch hub and basket. On a table they lay out all the new Barnett clutch parts and look at what we will need from the stock set-up. They also bathe the new fibers in fluid to get ready for install.
Related Videos:
Part 1 – Harley Davidson clutch removal on a Sportster
Part 2 – Sportster Clutch Spring, Pressure, Steel, and Friction Plate Removal
Part 4 – Performance Clutch and Clutch Pressure Plate Install
Part 5 – Performance Clutch Cable and Primary Cover Install