Shovelhead Throttle & Speedo Cable Lube
Mike RoenDescription
Inspection and lubrication of your throttle and speedometer cables is an important part of every thorough service.
Mike’s 1977 Shovelhead still has a stock throttle housing that only utilizes one, pull open, throttle cable.
Other than thoroughly lubricating throttle cables, it is always important to inspect for proper throttle cable adjustment and routing.
Mike’s 1977 Shovelhead still has a stock throttle housing that only utilizes one, pull open, throttle cable.
Other than thoroughly lubricating throttle cables, it is always important to inspect for proper throttle cable adjustment and routing.
Verify that there is no excessive free play or throttle binding. The throttle cable should be capable of full open throttle and it should snap back on its own. Lubrication of the speedometer cable is also very important. Properly maintained throttle and speedometer cables will perform flawlessly and will last for many years.