Harley Sportster Battery Removal & Seat Removal
Bob LaRosa & Mark DiPietroDescription
In this quick demonstration of the Harley Sportster battery removal, you’ll learn how to remove your bike’s seat and side cover so you can check on the condition of your battery and its operating components.
It is strongly recommended that you remove the negative cable of the Harley Sportster battery first and replace it last when servicing your bike. If you remove the positive cable first, you risk causing a dangerous spark if the battery comes in contact with your bike’s frame. Watch This Video on the procedure.
Bob has been dealing with these Harley Sportster batteries for years and removes the neg from the battery. If this is your first time, we highly suggest removing neg from ground stud on the crankcase boss(see images)with wobble extension.
The service manual states you should follow your negation cable down from the Harley Sportster battery and remove the nut that secures the connector to ground stud on the crankcase boss behind the starter motor assembly. Make sure the rubber cover is on the cable nut on the starter, you do not want to hit the exposed nut with you wobble extension.
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Harley Oil Change Clutch & Primary Chain Adjustment