Preparing for Mama Tried Motorcycle Show
Kevin BaasDescription
Hey, Kevin Bass here from vintage bike addiction. I'm here today with Fix My Hog behind me. You see, this is my 1957 Panhead and actually it's my son's 57 Panhead. Now I built this bike a long, long time ago. Uh, now belongs to my son, which is cool, but this bike is getting ready to go to a big, big show in Milwaukee called Mama tried.
Now, if you're not familiar with Mama Tribe, you need to look it up. They got an amazing collection of old bikes, uh, new bikes, custom bikes, classic bikes, rat bikes. You name it. It's a camaraderie. It's a collection of people that bring all their stuff out of the barns out of their garages.
The show at this, uh, this event where thousands of people come to look at your bike. What's neat about this show? It's not just everybody can have a bike in it. You get selected. Uh, this is the, uh, 10th year now that I've been in it.
So I've been in it since the start with a bike in every show, which is pretty cool. Uh, kind of neat this year with my son having his bike into it. And what's, what's nice about the show is that they hand pick the bikes that are allowed to be on display down in, uh, in historic Milwaukee and you walk around and the vibe, the feel the atmosphere. It's amazing. There's tons of good people, tons of good stories.
A huge camaraderie of builders from all, makes, all genres, all different brands. And what it does is it allows people to kind of tell the story of their bike. You know, you see a bike at a show, you really don't know much about it. You just see it and you can kind of put together two and two, like if it's ratty or if it's really clean or whatever and that show is nice because you get a chance to talk to all the builders you get to meet and everybody, you get to hear their story. How did they build this bike?
What are the parts from? What, where do they come across that? You know what road stories do they have to tell about? What travels were they doing? Anything crazy that went on when you're on this bike?
So mama tried is definitely that kind of show that if you're in any kind of motorcycles at all, you wanna go check it out, you're gonna love it. You're gonna see, like I said, new stuff, old stuff, beat up stuff, shiny stuff, clean stuff, race stuff, you name it, it's there and it's a great place to go meet, people, shake some hands, get some cool swag and have a great time.
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