Panhead Rear Wheel Install
Kevin BaasDescription
Before Kevin begins installing the primary drive system, he will mount the Panhead rear wheel. This way, the chain can be in position for setting up alignment and adjustment. The Panhead rear wheel has a stock drum brake system. A set of rear brake shoes along with the rear brake actuation lever and spring are mounted onto the brake system backing plate. Kevin drops the backing plate into the brake drum and rolls the wheel into position in between the rear frame tubes. The brake stay is positioned into its frame allocation and the two flats of the left side spacer tube are correctly aligned within the frame.
The Panhead rear wheel can now move smoothly, forward or back, within its position in the frame. Kevin loosely installs the left side spacer tube hardware to hold the assembly together. Nothing will be tightened until the primary drive is installed and correct alignment is set. On the right side of the Panhead rear wheel, Kevin installs the right side spacer and pushes the axle through. The axle also has two flats that are aligned with the right side axle plates. The axle lock tab and nut are loosely installed.
Kevin verifies that the Panhead rear wheel can spin freely and that brake actuation feels correct. Kevin demonstrates the process for centering the rear brake shoes. With the top adjustment nut loosened, Kevin spins the wheel and actuates the rear brake by quickly pushing on the rear brake arm. Kevin maintains brake pressure by holding the rear brake arm forward and simultaneously re-tightens the adjusting lock nut.
Next, Kevin will be setting up to install the oil hoses and then the exhaust system.