Knucklehead Chopper Tear Down Part 4: Knucklehead Handlebars
Kevin BaasDescription
Kevin starts in the rear of the bike. The rear axle is loosened and removed allowing for the rear wheel to be rolled away from the rear of the motorcycle’s frame. The rear wheel assembly also contains the rear drum brake assembly. Once again, Kevin points out the rear brake stay and notes its importance for this rear brake assembly.
Moving along to the front of the motorcycle, Kevin now removes the fork stem nut and loosens the two Knucklehead handlebars pinch bolts. The handlebar assembly can now be removed by simply tapping off of the front end with a plastic or rubber mallet. The Knucklehead handlebars are lifted off and set aside in a safe location. Next, a crown nut and upper dust shield is removed. This allows for the Springer front fork assembly to be completely free from the front of the motorcycle’s frame.
Kevin points out that the front neck assembly had previously been updated from the original ball bearings to Timken tapered bearings. The Timken bearings are a much more durable bearing. They will take a Springer front end across many more miles than the original style ball bearings. The new replacement frame will also be set up with neck cups that can accept a new set of Timken bearings. With the motorcycle disassembled, Kevin can now clean and inspect every component and sub-assembly. Everything will be prepped and ready for reassembly onto the new rigid frame.