Harley Evo Top End Removal
Mike RoenDescription
The Harley Evo top end rocker boxes are secured with four 1⁄4” allen head screws (eight screws total). These screws can be easily stripped. To avoid damaging these screws, it is important to use a good, sharp allen key or bit. Where the frame obstructs screw removal, they can be removed with a ratcheting offset wrench and a short 3⁄16” bit. If any rocker box hardware is stripped or damaged, it should be replaced during reassembly.
For Softail models, the rearmost left side screw can be accessed with a long ball allen through an opening in the frame. Use a telescoping magnet or needle nose pliers to sneak the screw through the frame without dropping it into the frame. Late model Softail Harley Evo top ends have even less clearance between the top rocker box and the frame. Evolution touring and FXR models often require the removal of the front motor mount in order to begin top end disassembly.
Once the Harley Evo top end rocker box screws are out, the upper and middle sections can be removed. It is common for these sections to stick together. If so, you can use a plastic, rubber, or rawhide mallet to tap apart without damaging rocker box surfaces. The lower rocker boxes support the rocker arms. It is important to find TDC on the section you are working on prior to removing securing hardware. This lessens pressure on the rocker arms. The hardware should be removed according to size.
First, remove the two 1⁄4” allen screws. Next, remove the three 1⁄4” hex head screws. Finally, evenly remove the four 5⁄16” heax head bolts. The 5⁄16” bolts have two different lengths. The longer bolts go on the right side. The right-side bolts are also a little further apart. This is one way to remember where the longer bolts belong.
On the Harley Evo top end, the lower rear rocker box can not be removed without removal of the two rear pushrods.
Stock pushrods are color coded. They are, left to right (back to front):
Purple: rear exhaust
Blue: rear intake
Yellow: front intake
Green: front exhaust
If the colors are worn off; the longest is the front exhaust. Followed by rear exhaust, front intake, rear intake. Once the lower rocker boxes are out, it is important to inspect the hard face of the rocker arms. If the hard face is severely worn, the arms should be replaced.