GOLD Event: How Carburetors Work
Steve Knoble
Steve Knoble demystifies the carburetor by explaining what all the carburetor parts are, what each one does, and how they all work together to get the best possible performance out of an engine. Contrary to popular belief, carburetors are efficient and a reliable way to operate and engine. With a little knowledge the carburetor can be used for endless reliable miles on a motorcycle, and when adjustments need to be done, they can be completed with simple tools.
An in-depth knowledge of the carb is a key point to the full understanding, troubleshooting, and tuning of a motorcycle engine. Because of that, we will break down the process in a simple manner that is easy to grasp by even a novice mechanic.
This Gold Member video covers all stock carburetors for Evo Big twins, 91-99, all carbureted Twin Cams, and Sportsters 91-06. While the settings and jets are different from year to year and unique to each engine size, the operation of the parts of the carburetor are all essentially the same. Therefore, once you learn the workings of one of these carburetors, you should have the knowledge to dig into carbs from other years and models.
In other Gold Member exclusive videos, we cover disassembly of the carburetor, reassembly, installation and tuning.
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