Cobra Fi 2000 PowrPro Tuner (Auto Tuner)
Bob LaRosaDescription
New patented technology tunes to exactly what air-fuel mixture is needed to create maximum power 80 times per second (does not tune to a predetermined arbitrary AFR).
It reacts, verifies and adjusts to all conditions and riding situations
Provides perfect fuel settings in any condition, with any exhaust system with any engine modifications
No external adjustments needed
No dyno needed
No additional components needed
Does not require wide band oxygen sensors
NOTE: Not legal for operation on public highways in the state of California.
Included Items:
(1) Module
(5) 6 in. Zip ties
(1) Velcro strip
Available at Dennis Kirk
Next Video: Cobra Fi 2000 PowrPro Tuner Install
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As with any upgrades, whether they be strictly aesthetic or they be performance orientated, you have to address the issue of fuel delivery to your motorcycle. You have to make sure the air fuel ratio remains correct when you change an air cleaner or an exhaust system. Any change from stock configuration warrants adjusting the air fuel ratio mixture. We went on denniskirk.com, punched in what our requests were after we decided on an exhaust and an air cleaner. And I've come up with the best, what I consider the best cure for self-adjustment of the fuel injection system.
That is Cobra's Fi2000 control module. It is a CVT module, which stands for continuously variable tuning. Continuously variable tuning. What this means is the module can read what the engine is doing, how the engine is running. The altitude, the barometric pressure, the conditions that you're driving in, 80 times per second.
What this does, it eliminates the need to download maps, to change configurations within the module through a laptop or through the website for the manufacturer. This Cobra built module does it all internally. Again, 80 times a second. It's like having a dynamometer drive around with you. Every time you apply throttle to the motorcycle, this CVT technology will adjust and compensate the air fuel mixture for the combination and conditions that you're riding in.
You'll see it's packaged securely. There is quite a few components involved, even though it is all one piece. Any time you change any component on your motorcycle, open the package, lay all the components out on a clean surface. Check the packing list that comes with the product you bought. Make sure it's not only model and year specific, but that it fits the motorcycle you're putting it on.
Make sure that it wasn't mispackaged. Make sure any additional components, whether it be hardware or tie wraps, that are recommended in the installation instructions are included in the package you bought. Always review your warranty. If there is a manufacturer's warranty card, fill it out completely, make sure you mail it in. It's the only way the manufacturer, in this case Cobra, knows you purchased the product, when you purchased it and what you installed it on.
Always do your research. Denniskirk.com, the website, makes it simple. You plug in a few parameters, it gives you a list of what they offer for what you're trying to upgrade, improve, whether it be performance or aesthetics. These do go hand in hand. You don't necessarily want something that looks beautiful but doesn't work well.
Or something that works real good but doesn't look so well or interferes while you're riding.
I purchased the Fi 2000 Powrpro Tuner for my Yamaha strataliner it worked good for about 11years is there a some place I can send it to have it tested since i am a rough running engine just some times at various speeds
Does this product suit a 2015 Street Glide CVO???