Clymer Manuals for Harley-Davidsons
Tommy CrealDescription
During our search we used Clymer Manuals to help us know what we were getting into when looking at various years and models. We looked at Sportsters from 2000 – 2015 that came up for sale. Harley made several changes over the years and it’s best to know what you’re getting into before you buy. We used Clymer Manuals online during our search and once we found an XL that fit our budget we purchased the hardcopy Clymer Manual for our Harley-Davidson.
It’s a little different when you buy a used Harley. You do not really know what a previous owner did until you tear into it. One thing that many Harley-Davidson owners tinker with is the electrical. Depending on their skill level you might find an OEM looking wiring harness or one that looks like the rats made a nest. Having the electrical diagrams is invaluable and Clymer Manuals provide them in color.
Make sure to pick up your Clymer Manuals today.
Hey guys, I'm Tommy "Clutch" Creal here with Fix My Hog. And knowing tools are the breathing backbone to our builds and making sure we have everything right. I wanna address one of the biggest ones out there, and that is our manuals. We have a Clymer Manual right here, and these guys are great for reference points and going through your build to make it, make sure you're just not dealing with headache after headache. When we were going in and looking at doing this, this build, there were various bikes that were contemplating whether to get or not.
We were looking at '05s, '09s, 2000. And in order for us to get a better perspective on what we were actually going to get, knowing Harley likes to change things up and, you know, modify parts and make things a little bit differently time after time. We were able to access the online, the Clymer Manual, and it gave us the opportunity to go through and look at those bikes before even going out and checking them out. So we were able to look at the different braking systems, some of the engine modifications that were done, the mounting points for some of the mid controls, things that meant something critical to us as we went through the design phase. And, you know, a lot of time, electrical is one of the biggest modification done year after year.
But for instance, on this one, we wanted to put a specific carbon air cleaner on it. And knowing that we needed a carbureted system, made a difference rather than jumping up to an EFI. So, by being able to access this and run through it, it really gave us a headstart or a kickstart into that search and find rescue that we needed to do. So, we narrowed it down. We found this, the 2000 Sporty right here behind us.
And with that, you know, we were, we were already ahead of the gate. So, one last cool feature that I'm really stoked about on this whole platform that they have is that not only are you able to access everything and anything out there, but you're also able to print it. And what I've got here is just a printed wiring harness from the side of the bike. And for us builders and gas mechanics and how-to guys, you know, all these reference points are huge for us because you know, it speeds up our process, makes it more enjoyable. We're not slamming our head on the ground wondering what's going on.
So, having this literature and resources like the Clymer Manuals,, with all our how to videos, it'll really helped bring into focus your project and help you stay true to that plan moving forward. So, now that we had that bike and we've got it sitting here, I'm a guy that likes to have things in my hand, not necessarily always at the keyboard. So, we ordered a few paperback manuals from Clymer and got these in, and these were perfect for me, selfishly, but I'm a picture guy. Same thing when I was in school, I loved to look through all the pictures. And what they've done in this manual is they pretty much laid out step-by-step exactly how to get through the process.
So for instance, with us, I know for certain that we're gonna be putting in a new clutch basket in, and by going through, I wanna get a refresher course on some of these components, because like I said, they change and twist things up. But I was able to go through and do some due diligence and check out, you know, make sure we weren't gonna run into any issues. Same thing with the carburetor, knowing that we had a CV on there and had to change it over. Differently, we needed a different manifold, and fortunately, everything was laid out right in the manual as well. So, got me, got me ahead of the game in moving forward with this and sticking to our plan.
Now, I know everyone's favorite thing is electrical. And when you're going out and getting a used bike, a lot of times someone likes to modify that or cut corners perhaps. And that's one thing you need to keep an eye out for but in these manuals, the greatest compliment you'll give yourself is checking out the back pages where it actually shows us in color, blown up, all the wiring schematics for various years. And this will certainly help you avoid any costly mistakes in electrical side of things. And also see if there was any customization done to that.
So I'm really, really pumped about having this basis to work off of and having all these resources at our fingertips. So thanks to Clymer for hooking us up on this.
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