Mike Roen

Check Operation of Electrical Equipment and Switches

Mike Roen
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Duration:   1  mins


It’s the simple things that are often overlooked. Check the operation of electrical equipment and switches before you start to service your Harley Milwaukee Eight.

Mike Roen walks you through these easy steps as required by your manual’s checklist. We know it sounds simple and it is. The reason you want to do this before service and every ride is to make sure everything is working. When you service your motorcycle you start to touch several areas of the motorcycle.

If you know all your systems functioned before you started wrenching and something does not work when you are done, you can backtrack your steps to find what you might have unplugged or disturbed.

Here’s some areas we review in this video when we check operation of electrical equipment and switches:


Dashbulb lights
Indicators – right and left
Brake and Taillight(s): All filaments work; both levers actuate brake light.
Headlight: All filaments work; properly aimed; no damage, spots
Lenses: Clean; no condensation; tight.
Radio, Speakers
Fender Tips lights
Reflectors: Clean; intact.
Battery: Fluid level; terminals clean and tight; held down securely; vent tube not kinked or misrouted.
Wiring: Check for pinching or fraying; properly routed; no corrosion.

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