We posted this video to help you navigate Fix My Hog and quickly find what you need to maintain and customize your Hog. We are always updating the site and the look and feel but the Navigation and Categories have remained the same. Please watch it and let us know what you think about our site and videos.
We also posted a video on How To Search Fix My Hog
Here’s a video on Member Log In Procedure so you can unlock all the Premium videos on Fix My Hog and find what you need.
We have over 120 hours of Harley how-to on the site and that breaks down to over 900 videos. That’s more video time than all seasons of Sons of Anarchy and Mayans.
We cover Harley-Davidson’s – Milwaukee-Eight, Big Twin models from 1984 (first year Evolution Engines) through Twin Cam 88, 96, 103 & 110. We cover the Sportster from 1986 through today. We strive to be a great resource for any Harey-Davidson and we have added Knucklehead, Panhead and more videos coming for Evolution, Shovelhead, Ironhead, Pan American and Revolution..
We categorized by topic in the Browse – Videos tab, see Maintenance and then go to your model, Milwaukee 8 Touring, Touring (Twin Cam / Evo), Trike, Milwaukee 8 Softail, Softail/Dyna (Twin Cam / Evo), Sportster.

Please watch the video and search the site before you leave a comment. This video is to help you find what you are looking for.
Since 2004 our goal has been to make maintaining and customizing easier for every Harley rider. We want riders to enjoy this lifestyle even more by turning a wrench and getting to know their Harley.
We look forward to your comments here and check back for my feedback.
Together we will continue to provide the best Harley how-to videos on the web.
Wrench Safe,
Dennis Santopietro
Do I need to retune engine when changing stock slip ons exhaust to straight pipes
I am the owner of Breakout 103 have a problem by all accounts with a float in the tank, when I fill a full tank shows now a reserve of 190 km, while before it showed 284 km.
Why i cannot play the videos?
I am just getting started on bringing my 1970 Electraglide back to life. It has set for 25 some years. I hope to get help through this I am just getting started on bringing my 1970 Electraglide back to life. It has set for some 25 years. I am hoping to get information along the way as to how to tackle various parts of the job
As a woman, I would love to see more female and diverse mechanics and content! But loving this stuff so far so thanks. Very needed stuff.
2010 FLHSTC trying to replace the stator but the rotor only comes out a bit and hits something any suggestions.
Hi guys, love the videos (glad to be a member) but I really need some advice please. I just bought a 1996 FXD that was "locked up". I got it for almost free and have been trying to figure out how to get it running again. So here is the issue I removed the primary cover and noticed the primary chain was way too tight (no slack at all) - I loosened the chain adjuster nut and the adjuster snapped down to the bottom of the case (fully loose) - chain is still way too tight and Its really had to turn over engine with the compensation nut. I am not sure what to do next to get the slack in the chain..?
2000 FLHSTC Indicator lights. Right side flashes, left does not. Left turn lights comes on but does not flash on and off. I have changed bulbs and have taken rear light bar off, inspected and cleaned up. Am I consider an online member? Thank you Danny
Engines got a loud screech when trying to crank after top end gasket replacement