Are you getting fuel to your float bowl?
If so, is the float height correct?
Confirm that your needle valve is not hanging up.
Verify that your gas cap is vented. You can be experiencing vapor lock.
Check your fuel line routing. Make sure the line is not collapsing.
Ground your spark plugs and verify that you have strong, definitive spark, both, front and rear.
Check your speedo head for DTC’s.
A failing crank position sensor can cause a problem like yours. A bad sensor will sometimes fail when heat is introduced and begin working again once it cools.
If/when this occurs again, turn off your fuel valve right away to see how much gas is in your float bowl. Open your gas cap and listen for a possible vapor lock condition. Ground your spark plugs to check for spark. If this problem began after you cleaned your carb, start looking in that area 1st.
Related Videos:
How to Check and Fix Vapor Lock on a Harley-Davidson
Carburetor Rebuild
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Missed something, you can have spark, and fuel, and not start if it's a bad crank position sensor, or pick-up coil etc. this also could explain the "resting period" then restart. The bikes cooling down and the CPS hs electronics inside that cool as well. It's loosing connection when it gets hot and shuts down.
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Crank positioning sensor One min. Spark nxt time no spark ! Acting as if you had a bad set of points which you don't have if it get hot then shuts off you can spray freon on it and if it starts there's your issue . There are ways to check but you need a multi meter the sensor can be had on eBay or if you have another bike sportster same year switch out need a tiny screwdriver or the right tool to take apart the connector , but I'm almost 99 % sure it the crank sensor from your symptoms have replaced quite a few. Good luck