Hayden M6 Primary Chain Tensioner Installation

The Hayden automatic primary chain tensioner has been around for many years. In fact, there were Shovelhead and Evolution Big Twins running auto primary drive chain tensioners long before Harley Davidson started using their auto tensioners as a standard after the mid 2000’s. The Hayden assembly is a nice upgrade for anyone running a 1965 to mid 2000s Big Twin that has a conventional, adjustable style, chain tensioner. Hayden also offers auto chain tensioners that can be installed as a replacement for Harley Big Twins all the way up to 2017.
Riders who are used to performing their own maintenance might ask; “What’s the big deal? Adjusting your primary chain is quick and easy”.

This is true but there are other benefits to running this assembly. Maintaining a more consistent and even chain tension improves transition in gear shifting, easier finding neutral, reduces shifting noise, less wear on chain & bearings, and makes for a smoother ride with less vibration. Recently, we had a 1986 FXRS In The Shop. The customer was concerned about a tapping sound that seemed to be originating from inside the primary drive. Riding the bike into the service department we could hear the common sound of the primary chain slapping against the inside of the inner primary case. This is typically remedied by a simple primary chain adjustment.

However, this time there would be no more adjusting. The primary chain was worn and stretched beyond adjustment. When we informed the customer and gave him an estimate for installation of a new primary drive chain, the customer requested that we also install the Hayden assembly. Check out these photos we took during this repair / upgrade.

We should mention; if your primary chain is in good shape, it is not necessary to remove anything other than the outer primary cover and the old chain adjuster assembly. The Hayden M6 primary chain tensioner is made in the USA!!
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