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Bike starts and idles fine when the motor gets hot after a fairly good ride it idles tough at all the lights, like it wants to stall and then it does. 2007 Ultra Any help would be great
Hi guys, I have a 2002 roadglide and when i turn on the bike ignition the engine light comes on and turns off within seconds then it comes on again and stays on twice as long and turns off and every once and awhile it will come on while riding and goes off again I've done the code check and all ten are clear any suggestions would be appreciated thanks
Hi-011 RGU will not start unless I enter dismiss pin code & then starts one time only after shutdown & will not restart. Manual seems to lead me to a module-?- any help appreciated.
08 Ultra Classic, extremely high rpm (5K) intermittently on mid temp starts. Replaced Throttle harness,TMAP, temp sensor, completed service bulletin for harness into induction module. Moco just scratching their head. Changing induction mudule ($500). First year of fly by wire is a dog!
This is the letter that I originally wrote. It is question I sent in.
I have a 2003 fxst and just started my bike up this morning and herd a loud bang clunk from the starter and the starter is new along with the clutch not sure what's up .. Looking for some help thanx
I have a Harley 03 FXSTS cold start problem. I bought it used, it has performance upgrades, Anderson cam, screamin eagle heads and pipes, S&S super G carb. I had a kit put in carb. new plugs and wires and coil. Don't think it is fire problem. Really hard starting, now has clug noise in starter. I have to get on accelerator pump alot to get it started then does fine, sounds really good. Probably going to need starter soon. But I think it is a fuel problem. Thanks James J