Harley Brake Bleeder Valve Weep
A: A stock bleeder valve on a stock caliper should not leak on a bike that is only 4/5 years old. There is a good chance that the fluid you were seeing was residual. You can snug up the bleeder a little more and clean the area good with brake cleaner and compressed air.
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2015roadglideultracvo/se 117. 8700 miles. My question is,i told bike to dealer with primary rattle.only at idle but irritating. Sounds like compensator to me but dealer says normal sound for big twins to sound like that. Bike is under warranty. I changed all 3 holes and no metal in fluid.are they blowin hot air up my ass or can this be fixed. The rattle is driving me nuts but bike runs great over 1100 rpms. Any suggestions?