I have wanted a Harley ever since I first started riding an Allstate 125 when I was 13 or 14 years old. If I wasn’t riding that Allstate I was at the magazine rack at the local drug store drooling on them there Harley-Davidson’s. I bought my first Harley 1200 Sporty, then traded it in on the 2003 Night Train. Just recently ran across a 2003 Heritage and being in great condition, the same color as the Night Train, bought it. My brother in law had a Heritage, but after seeing my sister in such pain after she tripped over a concrete stop block in a parking lot breaking her arm, he sold it. My cousin rides a Firemen’s edition and my nephew rides a Road Glide. I wonder now, should I give up riding motorcycles, or stepping over concrete stop blocks?
Ed Morris
I have a 2003 HD FXDL dyna Low rider. Great bike but out of nowhere, the bike does not want to start. All the lights go on, they don’t look dim but the bike does not want to start. I even changed the battery in the key fob (#2032). I’m sure it’s something easy but what it is, I can’t figure it out.