Brake Stuck

Question for Fix My Hog I was riding to work a few months ago, and when I put on foot brake on it stuck in the applied position. I had physically reach down and pull it back up. I have since changed the brake fluid. I can’t afford to pay the dealership what they want to look at and fix my problem, so I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I just want to get back on my bike and ride again. I’m too nervous about riding without that rear foot brake. Thank you in advance.

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Fix My Hog Answers Need to rebuild your rear master cylinder and rear caliper. Also, check inspect your rear rotor. Confirm that it is not warped. Here is a rear master cylinder rebuild video. The master is just a little different than yours. The concept & theory is the same.

Related Fix My Hog Videos:

Master Cylinder Rebuild
4 Piston Caliper

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One Response to “Brake Stuck”

  1. James McQueen

    Depending on the model I have seen corrosion get between the brake lever and plastic bushing, which literally squeezes the shaft the brake lever is supposed to rotate on. Disconnect the linkage and verify free lever movement. Master, rotor or caliper could be at fault, but in my experience it is often not. I just pop the bushing out of the lever and hone the lever, or hone the bushing. Or replace it all together. Common on forward controls on Dyna models.