I am having problems starting my 2007 Ultra starter. Everything seems to be working correctly up to the point where you push on the starter switch and then all I hear is the starter relay clicking. I have checked all connections that I know of and have found nothing loose. Battery is good but starter is doing absolutely nothing. Someone told me to run a jumper wire from battery to control wires on the starter solenoid and see if it cranks. Have any ideas on how to help?
How do you know battery is good? What tests have been done? Has the relay been replaced (cheapest place to start)? Use the service manual and trace the relay power feed and ground. The manual has a great troubleshooting section. Yes, you can feed 12 vdc directly to the starter’s solenoid where the green wire goes in, unplug the wire and make sure the m/c is in neutral, but even if this spins the starter and starts the m/c, you have not fixed the problem. Use your h/d service manual and common sense, you can do it. It is not the starter motor but the control to the starter motor. – Wrench Safe, FMH
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For all these starting problems, you should always first take the battery and have It load tested. It could show good voltage with a meter but have a bad cell that stops it from turning the starter over. If you get a clicking sound, very good chance you have a weak battery. Also, check your cable connections and clean the ground surface on the bike. There are numerous other things that could go wrong but you need to verify the battery before anything else is considered.
Had the same problem with my 08 Ultra. removed the starter relay in the fuse box and pluged it back in . worked fine. just a bad connection. hope it works for you.
I have a 2000 electric glide classic when i'm riding sometimes the entire bike shuts down. I have to turn everything off...wait a minute then restart. what is the problem & how do I fix it.
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I have an 2006 Ultra. It starts for a second or two then dies. The voltage to the fuel pump shuts off. Iverified this with my meter. What should I do now?
I have an 2004 ultra glideand I having similar problems. Ipush the fob and it flashes push the starter and nothing . then it work few times like nothing was wrong and then same nothing can you give me a clue what to look for